
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Addicted to Blogging

I spent the entire 2 hours that my son napped today reading blogs! Some themes...

(1) Mostly everyone who had a running-related blog loves to run. Well, duh, of course they do! But does anyone out there hate to run but run anyway? That's me... I don't actually enjoy the act of running. I enjoy the runner's high after my runs and the sense of accomplishment. How do I get to a point where I actually enjoy the act of running?

(2) People say they are slow and fat, but a majority aren't... I see your pictures LOL! It's like when I was in school and we'd finish a test and everyone would complain that they failed. Then, we'd get the tests back and everyone did great except me... FAIL! I am slow (hence the title of my blog "13-minute mile") and I am on the heavier side (5'5" at 187lbs). I promised myself a long time ago that I would love myself and have since developed a sort-of reserve body dysmorphia where I always think I look good (and I probably don't always). Anyway, I continue to try to love myself no matter what the weight, as long as I can honestly say that I eat healthy and stay active.

(3) The bloggers on this site are hilarious! For example, Shut Up and Run, Barbie Runs, From Fat to Fab, 12 Months 12 Races, and I am Boring are some of the funny blogs that I stumbled upon and I know there are a lot more but I only had 2 hours. Please don't be offended if I didn't mention you and you are funny - please leave me a comment with your link and I promise to read :)

(4) People are giving away stuff away on their blogs! Someone teach me please... is this common practice? Should I be giving something away? What wold people like?

Okay that's all I have for now. It's been a long day (that started with 2 miles in 26:00 this morning). Until tomorrow... but please let me know which blogs I should read next and what I should be giving away.

1 comment:

  1. Crap, my comment got eaten. Well, it was too long anyway. Regarding giveaways - they're fun because they drum up interest and you meet new people and find cool blogs, but they aren't necessary by any means! Visit blogs, leave comments and your blog will grow.

    And I wish more of had this "dysmorphia" you speak of - I think it is VERY healthy! :)
